All posts filed under: Baked

Spiced Plum Cake

I suffer from that syndrome Adam Driver has. The one where he rather walk out of an interview with Terry Gross because she played one of his movie clips. We’re literally the same. You know sans the millions and the devastatingly handsome jawline. I empathize with the feeling that comes from of reading or hearing my own creative work, which is errr just yikes. Whenever I do I feel like looking back opens a huge can of worms so I try to never read anything after I post it.

Fig & Peach Galette

In early 2019 I did a very turbulent apprenticeship at a bakery here in Houston that shall remain unnamed. There I discovered that professional kitchens aren’t for me. That’s because the whole hospitality and service industry in the U.S. is trash, but that’s beside the point. I learned how to make a bangin’ galette dough, though. The secret is apple cider vinegar. Ingredients: 

Catalan traditions: Panellets

Being in a relationship with someone from a completely different culture than I am surely is enlightening. Each time we enter a new weather season there’s a new tradition to be immersed in. This has made me begin a series within my blog where every time I try a different tradition, I’ll share it on here. Call it “Joanne and a series of catalan traditions” if you will. Fall brings ‘Panellets’. Panellets are probably the most traditional sweet pastries in all Catalunya. They’re made of almond flour, sugar and pine nuts. Think: marzipan with less sugar. Don’t tell Marc’s mom I compared them to marzipan. In Catalunya you know fall is officially here when pastry shops and grocery stores start getting ready for “La Castañada” (the chestnut party). It’s the holiday where everyone take the streets to eat roasted chestnuts and sweet potatoes. I like to think of it as a street food festival. Everyone is drinking moscatell and eating chestnuts and sweet potatoes. On the following morning, to cure your moscatell hangover you eat panellets (I made …

Apple Pie Pastelitos

My mom hosted the gnarliest girls night at home when I was a kid. To a five-year-old me, they were wild and insane. But now, in hindsight it was probably the only relaxation time she had with our family and her friends. It consisted in all of my aunts and their friends coming to the apartment and playing bingo. Also, some light gambling. I remember playing under the table while they gossiped about things I can’t remember or were beyond me. It was awesome. I remember feeling like a grown up (at 5!) just by being surrounded by the amazing women in my life. Also, my grandma was the fucking boss. Often when they couldn’t play at home, they’d go to an underground bingo at the 181st subway station in Manhattan. My mom would take me with her when she couldn’t get one of my cousins or brothers to look after me. She doesn’t believe in baby sitters. So I would go there and hang out. But sitting down on a table wasn’t my thing. I would fidget …

Sunday Quiche: El antojo

¿Nunca les ha pasado que hay veces que tienen cierto anhelo por algo que rara vez tienen en su vida? Ya sea tener a un ser querido cerca, leer un buen libro o como en mi caso: comer un buen pedazo de quiche. Para serles honesta no recuerdo la última vez que comí quiche aparte de esta tarde. Pienso que quizás fue en un desayuno de trabajo o algo así, la verdad es que no tengo ni idea pero desde hace una semana o así, tengo tremendo antojo de comer uno… Desde la semana pasada tengo los ingredientes en la nevera pero por alguna razón no la hice. Ese ya no es el caso, porque hoy me desperté con esas ganas de hacer cosas, como hacer un quiche y darle cariño al blog y aquí está: Quiche de champiñones, cebollas y  queso Parmesano.